23 June 2020 News
With lockdown restrictions in place, Art, Design and Media Practice students at Northern Regional College have been unable to host their traditional end of year show.
However, a digital alternative has been created which showcases the work of all students involved.
Jeanette Lammey, course lecturer at the College, said: “Without the option to host a physical end of year show to celebrate the success of our graduating students, we have developed a video of a selection of their work. We are especially proud of this year’s students as they had to complete their final projects at home due to lockdown, all the while doing so without the specialist support and equipment they would have normally have access to within college. We wish them well as they all take up places at their chosen universities.”
The digital showcase for Foundation Diploma students will go live at 20:20 on Tuesday 23 June via the College’s YouTube channel.
Northern Regional College offers a number of full-time art courses from Level 2 up to Level 4, as well as part-time leisure art courses. The Level 2 and 3 Diplomas can be a progression route to the Level 4 Diploma in Art, Design and Media Practice which is ideal for anyone looking to broaden their practical skills and theoretical knowledge before progressing to higher education or employment.
For further information on these and other courses available at the College, go to www.nrc.ac.uk